

Geplaatst op vrijdag 08 januari 2016 @ 01:50 door Travelboy , 1212 keer bekeken

Europe continues to be home to many of the world’s most expensive cities, as well as some bargain cities where many things cost only about a quarter as much for an international traveler. Now in its 6th annual edition, the Europe Backpacker Index ranks 56 of the continents most popular cities from cheapest to most expensive.


With very few exceptions, the inflation rate in Europe was virtually 0% during 2015, and in some cases prices actually came down during the year. This year’s rankings are similar to the previous version except for some fairly dramatic shifts in exchange rates in a few areas.


If you have US dollars then every city on the list got cheaper in 2015 due to the strengthening of the greenback, so 2016 is an excellent year to see places you’ve been putting off. Those holding Canadian or Australian dollars, just to name a couple, are less fortunate with the exchange rate situation, unfortunately.


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