Geplaatst op zondag 04 februari 2018 @ 00:33 door Travelboy , 1582 keer bekeken
Almost all of Asia is a travel bargain once you get there, so finding an affordable flight is often the main obstacle for exotic holidays. For the 8th year we have updated all of Asia's major destinations and ranked them from cheapest to most expensive. A few things changed, but most of the ranking will look familiar to someone who has seen any of the previous lists.
Nearly all Asian currencies gained slightly against the US Dollar in 2017, but the Euro actually gained even more so Europeans should find Asia even a bit cheaper in 2018 than they did in 2017. Inflation was mostly low throughout Asia as well, although there was a few exceptions and all of that has been factored into the list below.
It's also worth nothing that (except for Hong Kong, Singapore, Macau, and Tokyo), most of these Asian tourist cities are fairly bunched together in price. The more expensive ones also tend to be the more modern ones, but even then they are almost all very affordable once you get there.
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