

Geplaatst op woensdag 11 maart 2015 @ 18:02 door Travelboy , 1176 keer bekeken

While many of us have been backpackers and we all know at least a few luxury travelers, most of us are stuck somewhere in the middle. This is why we continue to update this Europe 3-star traveler index, since it gives a more realistic overview of costs for typical visitors to Europe.


Everything below has been totally updated for 2015, and expanded to include 5 more cities. The good news for those of us outside of Europe is that currency declines have made the whole continent noticeably more affordable than it has been in years.


For this 2015 edition we added Split, Croatia; Ljubljana, Slovenia; Bergen, Norway; Salzburg, Austria; and Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic. A few of these cities are fantastic bargains, especially now, so they deserve serious consideration of anyone planning a Europe trip in 2015.


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