

Geplaatst op donderdag 02 april 2015 @ 02:02 door Travelboy , 1030 keer bekeken

Asia is home to more than half of the world’s population, and it’s also home to most of the world’s great travel bargains. Even its big cities tend to cost half or less compared to those in the West for hotels, attractions, food, and drinks. Most of the popular cities are also in the Tropics, so they are ideal for sunshine holidays any time of the year.


Below you’ll find 31 of the most popular destinations in Asia ranked from cheapest to most expensive for 3-star travelers. They are ranked by a daily total that includes a well-rated and well-located 3-star hotel room (double occupancy) as well as an allowance for transportation, attractions, food, and drinks/entertainment. You’ll see below, that once you are on the ground, many things can be shockingly cheap, even in Asia’s most popular tourist cities.


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